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MTR-i™: Managing Team Roles Indicator

The MTR-i™ gives depth to all aspects of team and group development, at all levels within organisations.

The MTR-i™ also forms part of the Type Mapping System which allows personal preferences to be mapped onto team roles and aligned with organisational imperatives.

The roles we play depend on the demands of the situation, the skills we have and the personality styles we prefer.

Unfortunately, this means that we do not always end up doing what is most useful or appropriate in any particular situation. The Managing Team Roles Indicator (MTR-i™), which is based on the model of Psychological Type, is designed to identify what people are currently doing. It identifies the following unique roles:

  • Clarifying
    Questioning and collecting ideas that help to clarify. Focussing on priorities and approaching tasks in a thoughtful, reflective way.

  • Activating
    Seeking action, keen to get things done and remaining practical whilst focussing on getting tangible results.

  • Innovating
    Ideas oriented, seeking to create something different. May be seen as either vague dreamers or focussed visionaries.

  • Exploring
    Seeking variety and experimentation; introducing the new and the unusual, challenging the status quo and acting as change agents.

  • Analysing
    Creating intellectual understanding, using logic, theories and mental maps, but not always finding these easy to communicate.

  • Conducting
    Reducing ambiguity by bringing structure, organisation and plans to get the job done.

  • Campaigning
    Focusing on a core purpose with real meaning and value; looking beyond the immediate and committing to a cause with passion.

  • Harmonising
    Focusing on creating a harmonious atmosphere; avoiding conflict and helping others to contribute by encouraging and supporting.

The MTR-i™ is part of an integrated approach to improving team performance that links personality, behaviour and performance challenge. As such it can be used with its sister questionnaire, the Ideal Task Profile Questionnaire (ITPQ™), and all versions of the Type Dynamics Indicator®.