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Bureau Service

Not trained? Need to test someone? Let us help you by providing a Bureau Service. This allows you to harness the power of psychometric tools without the need to undergo specialised training.

By working with Team Focus’s consultants to understand your needs, you can identify a range of assessments that suit your purposes – whether these are in the area of selection, development, careers guidance or coaching. For example, you can choose from the following tools available through our Profiling for Success system:

  • Verbal Reasoning Test* – measures the understanding and critical evaluation of written information.
  • Numerical Reasoning Test* – measures the understanding and critical evaluation of numerical information.
  • Abstract Reasoning Test* – measures the ability to problem solve by combining divergent & convergent thinking.
  • Decision Analysis Test – measures reasoning and decision making in conditions of uncertainty.
  • Memory & Attention Test – measures the ability to memorise instructions and apply them quickly and accurately.
  • Personality Questionnaire – we use a wide range (15FQ, NEO, Hogan) and validate the results with targeted Interview Prompts.
  • Other questionnaires, depending on your requirements and the degree of support you require.

*Available in 4 Levels from GCSE to Post-Graduate/Executive Level.

We work with you to provide a complete assessment and reporting system, managed by Team Focus’s professional staff.

Your candidates will be contacted and briefed, and walked through the online administration. Candidate results will be processed and interpreted by Chartered Psychologists and reported back to you in a format of your choice.